Scientifically based and validated test procedure
Our test procedure is the only one that measures a person's "inner values" and current situation.
The information from which the profilingvalues report is derived is collected using an online questionnaire. Overall, character traits are presented in two forms - in ability and in willingness.
The evaluation is based on the psychology of values and calculates the deviations from a logical-mathematical norm.
In contrast to behavioral methods, the test procedure cannot be manipulated and can be used regardless of location and around the clock. The convenient and fast online procedure takes only 20 minutes.
Profilingvalues is based on the value-psychological scientific approaches of Professor Robert S. Hartman, a German scientist who emigrated to the USA via England and Mexico in 1932. The competence scales of the profilingvalues test method have been scientifically validated many times.
The method is cross-checked against other test procedures, such as R.B. Cattell 16 PF. Profilingvalues is a unique system worldwide.
It allows us to respond individually to the needs of entrepreneurs, but also to the skills of the applicants.
Contact us if you are interested in more information about the scientific basis of profilingvalues test procedures.
Results are highly relevant for recruiting and career development
What conclusions can be drawn from the factor “willingness”?
Some examples:
High attention to Empathy (indicated by position of the diamond) signals that a person is (too) highly influenced by the feelings and problems of others. This person is not ideally suitable, for example, for a management job within a highly competitive industry.
High ability (bar) and attention (diamond) to Practical Thinking means that a person is too fast for others. As a manager, this person would have to learn to judge others by their standards and not his/her own. In addition, this constellation often implies deficits in judgement.
A low score for Success Orientation (diamond) means that this person feels constricted in his/her current job and role. .This candidate ist truly motivated to seek new opportunities and change jobs.
Focus areas & Reports
Using scientific methods to make good business decisions!
Focus areas
Recruiting / Talent Acquisition
Employee development
Team development
Organizations development
Leadership Excellence
Site assessment
Standard Assessment Report
Sales Report
Team- Group Report
Balance Report
Leadership Excellence Report
Our psychometric method delivers important unique benefits
Objectives in recruiting and career development, reducing mistakes and utilizing potential
Traditional methods
Traditional methods:
Measure behavior & attitudes
Avoid socially desirable answers through cross checks
Take 1-3 hours
Individual abilities “strengths and weaknesses”
Measures values and attitudes
No manipulation possible
Takes only 20-30 minutes
Individual potential “the abilities” AND focus on individual potential “willingness”
In 5 Steps to the profile of your (potential) employees
Feel free to contact us for a non-binding first conversation: info@restage.ch